"I keep looking around facebook like if Im going to find something that justifies me wasting all this time on Facebook....BUT NOPE...i'm just gonna have to click the X and walk away....why I just shared this...beyond me"

The list of Mominees contains women of all walks of life and they are changing the world through their POSTIVE and inspiring actions EVERYDAY!
"Here’s a funny thing we at Babble have noted with increasing alarm: The most visible mothers in our society right now are the ones on tabloids. Deserving or not, women who have babies and can pose two weeks later in a bikini have become our role models, our focal point through the strange, amazing and occasionally hilarious territory of motherhood.What if, we asked ourselves, we could do one small thing to change that? What if we could shine a light on some of the most fascinating, influential moms in the world, real women who can show us how empowering being a mom can be?" --Read more...
Looking through the list of Mominees, my heart was crushed with some of the stories that these women have told about their motivation to DO what they do...the loss of a child at an early age, diseases that have plagued their lives, handicaps, suffering turned to inspiration, and so much more! There are so many tear-jearking, stop-and-hug your baby stories that prove that there are MOMS that are making HEADLINES...just because of their LOVE they have for those little people that gave them the coveted title.
Check out the top 10 Mominees:
- Courtney Rot-Inspirational
- Shanna Marsh-Charity
- Maya Thompson- Charity
- Brenda Barberena-Charity
- Shannon Becker-Inspirational
- Sarah Erwin-Charity
Kristine McCormick-Activism
Molly Stapelman-Activism
Gretchen Holt Witt- Inspirational
Celeste Goodwin- Education
Kristine McCormick-Activism
Molly Stapelman-Activism
Gretchen Holt Witt- Inspirational
Gretchen Holt Witt- Inspirational
Celeste Goodwin- Education
Celeste Goodwin- Education
There is a current list of 100 Moms Changing the World. On the list are familiar names of women you see on TV making you laugh like Tina Fay or discussing politics like HillaryClinton to other's that you (I) probably would never have heard about otherwise (if you've been busy changing diapers, updating your status on FB, and making dinner), like Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, who works with the UN as a special envoy for climate change.
Mominations are your chance to give a shout out to a great mom doing good things in the world – and for her to have a chance to win one of ten prizes of $5,000 toward her favorite charity! If you nominated the mom you think most deserving in one of these ten categories – education, executive, entrepreneurial, charity, creative, politics, green, activism, inspirational, health/science – and she is entered to win.
Is there a DABBLER category being considered in the future??
It's encouraging that Babble.com is taking this initiative to recognize moms that are making a positive difference in the world!
But it's important to remember that these women have had the opportunity to do extra-ordinary things under sometimes extraordinary-circumstances...
but being the number 1 mom who is changing the World in your child's eyes happens in the ordinary things and ordinary circumstances in your everyday life!
There are so many moms all round me that I TIP MY HAT TO... Austin Baby Momas, MDR Baby Momas, Running Mommas Friends, UF Friend Mommas, all those Momas of MULTIPLES (wink wink), Family Friend Baby momas, Cousin Momas, and those ones sprinkled randomly around the world who make me laugh and cry with your stories, posts, and friendships throughout this amazing JOURNEY....
You ladies are on my list of TOP 100 MOMS Changing My WORLD!
Our World. oil on canvas:One of my painting for an exhibit in Miami a couple years ago.
Continue being the best version of yourselves!!! And as for the MOMS on THE LIST and the Mominees, CONGRATULATIONS and thank you for being such an inspiration.
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