If you girls are anything like my mom, you only think something is clean when you can FEEL the CLOROX burning your nostrils. Growing up my mom hit up everything with clorox but I never could stand that smell or the smell down isle 8 at the Grocery store where all the cleaning products and detergents are--sealed...and yet it smells like there is a CONSTANT SPILL or LEAK from all the bottles.

Eco-licious Mama Educates and Empowers moms, families and communities on how to get rid of toxic chemicals and create a healthier home and Family!
Now what MOMMA doesn't want to do that?
I must admit that I have backed off from those days when i'd anti-bacterial everything and everyone within a mile radius of my son...but now that he's a little older (almost 2) and a lot stronger, I've back up a notch. I still clean and disinfect, don't get me wrong....but not as much as I used to...and not nearly as much as MY MOM still does---WITH CLOROX!
When talking with Rachel, she mentioned stuff about Palmolive dish soap NOT actually being good for you like the commercials used to say and that doctors can test your urine and find traces of the detergents you use since they seep into your system<---CRAZY.
There were a couple other facts that she gave me that made me start thinking:
- 150 chemicals in the home have been linked to allergies, asthma, birth defects, attention disorders, cancer and other illnesses...
- women who work from home have a 54% higher cancer rate than those who work outside the home. According to a study by the EPA, this is caused by the "out-going" of hazardous chemicals within the home and contributes to higher cancer rates.
- this is one of Oprah's favorite things
- The Cleaner of the WHite House and NASA use their products
- They have products (non-toxic, plant based cleaners) that outclean 11 national Brands.
- To get the same amount of clean as one 16-ounce bottle of Basic H2 (one of their products), you would have to spend: Nearly $482 for the equivalent of all-purpose cleaner, $12,250 for the equivalent amount of window cleaner, and $144 for the equivalent amount of degreaser....THAT's A LOT of SAVINGS!
I know this may seem a little extreme, you might not give hoot about how they clean they White House, and like me you don't think that you've ever spent that much money on cleaning products anyway!....but it made me wonder:
What kinds of things don't I know about the things I have in my home that I wouldn't really miss if they weren't here and might actually be able to SAVE MONEY by switching it for another product?
I am really not selling you this product or endorsing it. I am just letting you know what I came across. I am going to set up a meeting with this ECO-LICIOUS MOMMA and see what other stuff I can learn and find out. I encourage you too, to look around your home and ask yourself:
Could there maybe be a better way to clean that is safer for my me, my home, and as a nice bonus...for the planet (which I want to preserve for my grandkids to enjoy one day)?
If you are interesting in finding out more info:
Contact Racheal Terracino at 714-493-9224
or email her at: embraceyourlife@yahoo.com
If you do try these products, let me know what you think of them. If you have other eco-friendly ways of cleaning your home, please share us with rest of us!
Email those tips to valeria.rodez@gmail.com with: MMHE in the subject line.
Happy Cleaning!
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