Friday, September 30, 2011

Guest Post: Laurel's Travel Tips


So I have a Momma friend, Laurel Stelzer, who I met when I was living in Austin through friends. We were both 6 months preggers and stilling "running". Our friendship really developed in the later part of our pregnancy and was in full force by the time our contractions began. Our kids even had their FIRST PLAYDATE together!!

I can't believe that was already almost 2 years ago. We've since moved from Austin for our husband's jobs (who both work at the same multinational high tech Company as she so eloquently puts it), done LOTS of things, and written about even more things than we can put titles on! She has been living in Penang, Malaysia for almost a year now---half of which I must jealously say she's been traveling around. She's been providing me with adventures all the time, vicariously of course! I have gone to secluded islands, beautiful beaches, amazing romantic getaways, and learned a little more about what to do when traveling with a +1.

I'm not saying that our Little Flores Family hasn't done its share of traveling, but the Stelzers are definitely the PRO when it comes to this topic.

She posted a couple weeks ago about some observations and tips she's made about TRAVELING with a child that I thought you ladies might enjoy and find useful:

We have flown every month of our son's life since he was 4 months old. The notable low points were a redeye to Western Australia when he was 10 months (almost mobile, and very, very tired), and a flight back from Hong Kong at 14 months. Besides the tiny baby sleep-nurse puddle jumps we did early on (weren’t those the days!), our best long haul flight to date is surprisingly the 23 hour leg from Singapore to Houston we did just last month! I think we might be getting the hang of it! I wanted to document some of the tips and tricks we’ve learned about traveling with a baby or toddler.

Miles' last bassinet flight. He's right at the weight limit, and about 4" too long.

Most of our travel has been by plane, and here are some of the things I find useful:

  • Timing: Mid-morning flights are ideal if you are traveling less than 5 hours; evening/redeye flights are asking for trouble. If it’s a long haul, its best to start out pretty late, even if baby sleeps a bit before the flight.
  • Board last: Sure there is a special time for infants and children, but I find the less time sitting idle restricting Miles on my lap, the better. Split up with your partner if you are worried about overhead bag space. Pre-takeoff and taxi time is the hardest for him. I try and be last on the plane if he is up and running around. Of course, if baby is asleep, get on there and recline your seat for a while.
  • Seats: Big planes almost all have the bassinet in the non-exit bulkhead seats and this is by far the best option on a long haul, the downside being an awkward tray table and potentially awkward TV. Next best would be any aisle seat. We learned a trick of booking both a window and an aisle (for a 3-3-3 configuration), with the hopes that the flight will not be completely full and the potential that the middle will be left free.
  • Harnessing: Many of the airlines no longer allow a baby to be in a carrier for take off and landing. Until he was very mobile, I found keeping Miles in the Ergo while we flew was best for all of us. Also, if you do get a seat and want to use a carseat, double check the seatbelts are not equipped with airbag. If they are, they will not let you install the seat.
  • Meals: Request specialty meals (we like Cathay Hindu vegetarian!). These are always ready first and they will hold them if you need it. If you are 2 adults traveling with a baby, get one meal at a time. I never count on airline food for Miles. Pick up something to go at the airport or pack lots of snacks that are always on the ready.
  • Baby care: Pack a very small diaper bag to take to the bathroom. Mine has just 2 diapers, a couple wipes, hand sanitizer and a clean pair of pants. It’s the size of a big envelope. Restock from your carry on throughout the flight. It is so dry on the plane, each time you change baby, put lotion on the face. Also, get fluids down them any way possible (frequent nursing, juice-spiked water).
  • Parent care: Sleep when the kid sleeps. Skip meals when you have to, shade your eyes, do anything. Drink water every time it is offered, grab 2 glasses if you have 2 free hands. Ask for help.
  • Entertainment: I have found I can actually get through some movies if I put them on with subtitles. As for what to entertain a kid with, you have to know your kid. iPads seem to be universally loved. Miles is not huge into conventional toys, but loves any kind of junk around the seat or from the meals. Stacking cups are small to pack and have thousands of uses. I find a much-loved book to be a bigger hit than anything new.
  • Share the love: And the crying. I typically get up and walk around (with Miles in the carrier) if he is fussing. This spreads out the misery with all passengers and I have never failed to have a mom stop me and say “You’re a good mom; I miss those days”
After landing and tearful reunions the fun starts – jetlag. General Rules:
  • Set expectations: One day for each timezone. This includes baby and you, especially if you are getting up with them at night.
  • Tummies transition last, allow for eating and drinking at night for at least a few days. I generally do food 2 nights, 2 more nights of milk/juice, then just do water at wake ups.
  • Get on the regular sleep schedule as soon as possible. Limit naps, and do what you can to get kids sleeping at night.
  • Use light to your advantage. Get out in the sun, especially around sunrise (good luck if you traveled west!) and sunset to reset circadian rhythms. Leave it dark at night, no TV or computers. Keep it light during the day, even nap with the shades partially open.
  • Back to expectations, as sleep deprived as a traveling momma is, remind yourself it is not the kid’s fault they can’t sleep. Do your best, it will be over soon.
Age specific tips, based on experience:
  • 6 months (3 naps/day): By far the easiest transition. Miles was still doing night wakings anyway, it was just a matter of stretching the naps to cover most of the nighttime and sometimes waking him up during the day.
  • 14 months (2 naps/day): Sticking to the rules above, Miles was sleeping through the night by night 4. After we returned to Penang, I remember laying on the floor of his room, holding him to sleep. Not a habit I wanted to get into, but it got him sleeping at the right times.
  • 18 months (1 nap/day): Things get progressively more difficult. I found that too late of an afternoon nap gets him into a long night sleep feeling and he wakes up grumpy for hours before going back to bed only to sleep a few hours. I keep everything dark, and have gotten into a bad habit of sleeping with him in the spare room, making the transition to the crib painful. Its taken more than 4 days this time, but I am relishing in small victories, like sleeping in my bed until 3:30am.
Tips for traveling with 2 kids are pending. Traveling alone, with our son and pregnant with #2, I took my own advice and asked for lots of help. "Lap infant” has a different meaning when your lap is not so much any more.

She has just launched her new Ex-Pat Resource Page, If you are heading out for a family adventure with your family or moving to another country....SHE IS YOUR GO TO GIRL!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Homemade Play dough

Being a Creative Momma doesn't take too much time or effort--PROMISE. Check out this simple homemade recipe for Play dough that will keep your kiddos busy and make your mommy friends jealous at HOW CREATIVE you are....jk, actually grateful to have such a crafty person like you around!

Homemade Playdough Recipe


1 cup flour
1 cup water
1 Tablespoon oil
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
Food coloring by drops


1. Combine all ingredients in a pan and stir. Cook over low heat, stirring until a ball forms.

2. Allow it to cool.

3. Find someone to test your final product and approve of it!

If you add orange or black food coloring instead, you will have a great activity for the Halloween Season!!

Cleaning Products that are SAFE for you, your home, and Your planet!

If you girls are anything like my mom, you only think something is clean when you can FEEL the CLOROX burning your nostrils. Growing up my mom hit up everything with clorox but I never could stand that smell or the smell down isle 8 at the Grocery store where all the cleaning products and detergents are--sealed...and yet it smells like there is a CONSTANT SPILL or LEAK from all the bottles.

The other day I met a mama-preneur who has her own BLOG: Eco-Licious Mama and works with Shaklee Corporation-who makes eco-friendly cleaning products.
Eco-licious Mama Educates and Empowers moms, families and communities on how to get rid of toxic chemicals and create a healthier home and Family!
Now what MOMMA doesn't want to do that?

I must admit that I have backed off from those days when i'd anti-bacterial everything and everyone within a mile radius of my son...but now that he's a little older (almost 2) and a lot stronger, I've back up a notch. I still clean and disinfect, don't get me wrong....but not as much as I used to...and not nearly as much as MY MOM still does---WITH CLOROX!

When talking with Rachel, she mentioned stuff about Palmolive dish soap NOT actually being good for you like the commercials used to say and that doctors can test your urine and find traces of the detergents you use since they seep into your system<---CRAZY.

There were a couple other facts that she gave me that made me start thinking:
  • 150 chemicals in the home have been linked to allergies, asthma, birth defects, attention disorders, cancer and other illnesses...
  • women who work from home have a 54% higher cancer rate than those who work outside the home. According to a study by the EPA, this is caused by the "out-going" of hazardous chemicals within the home and contributes to higher cancer rates.
  • this is one of Oprah's favorite things
  • The Cleaner of the WHite House and NASA use their products
  • They have products (non-toxic, plant based cleaners) that outclean 11 national Brands.
  • To get the same amount of clean as one 16-ounce bottle of Basic H2 (one of their products), you would have to spend: Nearly $482 for the equivalent of all-purpose cleaner, $12,250 for the equivalent amount of window cleaner, and $144 for the equivalent amount of degreaser....THAT's A LOT of SAVINGS!

I know this may seem a little extreme, you might not give hoot about how they clean they White House, and like me you don't think that you've ever spent that much money on cleaning products anyway!....but it made me wonder:
What kinds of things don't I know about the things I have in my home that I wouldn't really miss if they weren't here and might actually be able to SAVE MONEY by switching it for another product?

I am really not selling you this product or endorsing it. I am just letting you know what I came across. I am going to set up a meeting with this ECO-LICIOUS MOMMA and see what other stuff I can learn and find out. I encourage you too, to look around your home and ask yourself:
Could there maybe be a better way to clean that is safer for my me, my home, and as a nice bonus...for the planet (which I want to preserve for my grandkids to enjoy one day)?

If you are interesting in finding out more info:
Contact Racheal Terracino at 714-493-9224
or email her at:

If you do try these products, let me know what you think of them. If you have other eco-friendly ways of cleaning your home, please share us with rest of us!
Email those tips to with: MMHE in the subject line.

Happy Cleaning!

A CLEAN fix to sneaking a workout into your LAUNDRY day

As with everyday, there are way to many things on the To-DO List from the second you wake up. If, on top of the usual stuff, your child threw up the night before....then add a couple hundred more things to that list.

Well that's how my day got started... I realized that my 30 minute run was going to be quickly pushed into the "i'll get to it later" pile since I had vomited sheets, crib guard, carpet, my clothes, Nico's PJs, towels plus the rest of our week's laundry to do thismorning before "working" for a couple hours on my book and then picking my son up from Daycare! Just writing that sentence made me tired.

But the reason I am writing this post is because I got a BRILLIANT IDEA... It's probably not new or earth shattering but it was a simple fix to my problem! I decided that since I needed to wait 30 minutes while the clothes washes before putting it in the dryer, I was going to go for a 30min RUN! And so I DID; a quite lovely run, I might add. 32 minutes later I changed the clothes into the dryer and came home to continue chipping at that To-Do List (aka- write this post).

SIDE NOTE:Now I know some of you may be wondering--why did you GO do laundry? Those of you who have the luxury of having an in-home washer and dryer, you don't understand, but for the rest of you how have to pick a LAUNDRY DAY to walk your stuff over to the laundry room and wait for 30 minutes then change your clothes to the dryer and wait an hour to pick up your clothes, fold them and then walk back to your apartment....THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO INCORPORATE SOME EXERCISE INTO THAT ROUTINE!

If running isn't your thing, there are lots of other options for you. In my article: Take 10 minutes for yourself on you can find some other options like short workouts from a BootCamp4 Moms site or even a list of 10 minutes of ABS that you can do.

Let's face it, we have to make our health a PRIORITY...which is hard-I know. But if we don't take care of ourselves, how are we going to take care of our families?

So next Laundry Day...
Get those workout shoes on and go get your sweat-on!

Local's Story-time at Books& Cookies with Alva Sachs

TOMORROW, September 30th at 4pm there is a Local's Story-time at Books & Cookies. The featured Local Author for this story-time is Alva Sachs, an award-winning children's author from Calabasas. She is the Author of Circus Fever, On your Mark, Get Set, GO! and her latest release is I'm 5. All three of those books have received honors and awards for children's picture books.

As a future children's book author and illustrator, meeting someone that has gone through this process and completed it successfully 3 times is going to be a great experience. It's hard to stay driven sometimes when you have a blank canvas and a pencil in your hand but can't seem to start that first line. Seeing completed projects and all the events that she has participated in, and the millions of smiles that she has brought to families...especially a great motivator. It also reminds me that every great story starts with ONE WORD and every great drawing starts with one line....and I can't be nervous or afraid to place those lines. All art-work is a work in progress and the first line won't determine my success.

SO...I hereby decree that the first lines placed on these pages are unimportant... unloading the pressure that is stacked on top of my drawing pencils and markers!

A little bit about the Bookstore hosting this Local's story-time:

Books and Cookies, a new bookstore, bakery, and enrichment center, seems to have figured out how to keep kids and parents happy and excited about reading. They have a cozy set up in their Bookstore and Interactive Reading Room where kids and their imagination are free to wander, and an Kid's Cafe where both you and your kid's taste buds are FREE to ROAM. Not only do they make it a great experience, they also offer other classes and events in theirActivity Space that you and your children can surely enjoy together, alone, or with friends...that will feed into their love of books and learning starting at an early age!

Books & Cookies is not only a great stop for moms with infants for STORY-TIMES, babies and toddlers for music classes, and everyone and anyone for BootCamp workouts, they are a positive influence in the community as well. They have teamed up with Children's and Literacy programs to give back and share their love for books....and of course cookies too.

Event's like tomorrow's Local Story-time take place the Last friday of every month. This gives the local authors a chance to connect with their readers and it give our kids the opportunity to meet those special people that write the books that they read everyday.

Come check out the FREE event tomorrow at Books & Cookies (2230 Main Street Santa Monica, CA 90405) and support our local author, Alva Sachs, from 4pm to 5pm. She will be reading her 3 books, have fun coloring activities, and will also be signing books!

WHO KNOWS? Maybe one day I'll get the chance to Host a LOCAL Author's STORY-TIME...ahhhh, so exciting!

To find out more about events and activities at Books & Cookies, check out this Calendar.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Online Clothes, books, and Toys Swapping at

I'm sure you've all come to the realization that our kids grow way to fast and it's financial impossible to keep dressing their cute little bodies with NEW, brand name articles of clothing every month...If it is possible for you...then STOP READING and go buy something new for your child. As for the rest of us that are creatively trying to make ends meet and constantly looking for new and creative ways to clothe our kiddos, this site is really cool. I've mentioned to a couple mom friends that this would be great to do in our own complex or at a friends house but most of us with the older kids would be left without anything in return and the mommas with the younger kids would be left with all their clothes plus a whole bunch more. This site helps solve that issue...After we have our own clothes swap. We can go here and post up the rest of our stuff and FINALLY MAKE SPACE in our son's room. is a place where moms like you and me swap clothing, books and toys online---just like they say on their site.
The proces is pretty simple:
1. Pick: Browse our list of thousands of boxes full of preloved kids clothes & toys - just $5 (+ $10.95 USPS shipping). Get your box delivered to your doorstep in just a couple of days.
2. List: Post your own box of preloved clothes/toys your child no longer wears on thredUP. It takes just minutes to list out the great items your kids no longer use.
3. Send: When another member picks your box, send it 100% free of charge. We provide boxes, postage, and even schedule the pick-up.

Daily ThredUP is a place where moms can discuss one interesting topic per day. Check it might find something interesting to discuss. It's always nice to practice NORMAL ADULT CONVERSATION and THOUGHT PROCESSING throughout the day....hahaha. It Can probably help you keep from say BUH BYE to a future employer or signing THANK YOU to the Cashier at the grocery store.

Happy Swapping!

Using to Find Things Faster on Craigslist can save you time and money by sending Craigslist post to your inbox once you answer a couple simple questions about what you are looking for!

We all know that children can help you run up HUGE tabs when getting clothes and toys that you know they will grow out of and stuff on some shelf before you’re already back in the store again. So by now you probably have learned that getting used things Craigslist is the way to go. However Craigslist takes forever to sift through the different posts under the different topics, which sometimes makes the experience more agonizing than helpful.

Well fret not more.

I am proud to say that my husband, Peter Flores and our friend, Ashish Patel created an incredible and FREE tool to help us all navigate through Craigslist,

It allows you to set up a search with specific criteria in 4 simple steps!
First input your location. Here is Los Angeles we have a couple sub-locations to choose from when creating a search:
  • los angeles - all california
  • los angeles - westside-southbaycalifornia
  • los angeles - SF valleycalifornia
  • los angeles - central LAcalifornia
  • los angeles - san gabriel valley california
  • los angeles - long beach / 562california
  • los angeles - antelope valley

After deciding what your location is, type in what you are looking for. As you start typing, you will see a pop-up letting you know how often a new listing is posted. This will help you gauge if your search is too broad, too specific, or just right.

Next determine if you would like to know right away, once a day, or once a week about posts that match your search criteria.

And last but not least add your e-mail, sit back, and wait for the Craigslist posts to arrive at your inbox! Once you get what you wanted, you can just unsubscribe with one click.

I know you might think it’s too good to be true, or that I'm a little biased but you just have to try it once
and you’ll be hooked. Simply check Facebook and other sites like these, Killer Start-ups, AppScout,
Techie Buzz, to read about how people all over are using to make their lives easier.
Techie Buzz said “With an easy-to-use interface, no hassle of signing up for an account and a dead
simple idea, NotiFinder is one of the most useful Craigslist tools on the web.”
What are you waiting for? Sign up for a search and find out for yourself just how simple and time-saving really is.

Happy NotiFINDING!

Continue reading on Using to Find Things Faster on Craigslist - Los Angeles Motherhood |

Take 10 minutes for Yourself

Taking time to workout is often seen as a LUXURY, not a necessity, and it often one of the first things to get bumped off the list when things start getting too busy with the hectic-ness of endless “Things to do” lists; getting home from work, making dinner,and all the other things that fill our lives. We sometimes forget to make a little time for ourselves!

Here are a couple suggestions that won’t take too much time:

1. Find Short on-line workouts.If you only have 15--20 minutes to sneak a workout in, you can find some great workouts on-line that Tami Tyson from The Tyson Method, has created that get you feeling stronger in those little bits of time that you do have. For $20 a month you can access the 20 min workouts. There are new ones posted every single day.
All you need to do is join the members site as a VIP member to gain access them. You can test one out on the sign up page to see what it is all about. Your chances of continuing working out are so much greater if it's only 20 min a day compared to doing it in excess. Tami and the Tyson Method’s goal is to make working out and staying fit a lifestyle change forever for the women who participate with them in the different programs.

2. Run an errand. Look at your list of things to do and see if it’s possible to either BIKE or RUN any of the errands on that list. You will avoid traffic and looking for parking, plus you might even get a TAN all while getting some exercise in. If you have a child in tow, they might enjoy biking to the local story-time or music class.

3.Take 10. Finally if you just have a couple minutes, drop to the floor at home and pick 10 of your favorite abs. Try doing each abdominal exercise for 1 minute. Before you know it, you’ll have done 10 minutes of ABs and you’ll be ready to move on with your day!

Here are a couple suggestions:

  1. Plank
  2. Bicycle
  3. leg raises
  4. Verticle leg cruch
  5. reverse cruch
  6. crunch with heel push
  7. Oblique Twist
  8. Flutter kicks, also known as scissor kicks
  9. V-hold
  10. Cross-Over Crunch

Hope these suggestions encourage you to take a little time out of your day to sneak some WORKOUT time in for a healthier, stronger, and sexier YOU!

Continue reading on Take 10 minutes for yourself! - Los Angeles LA |